Monday, August 15, 2011

Under the Tuscan Sun...

You close your eyes and suddenly six months has passed...

i had so many drafts in this blog but never had time to finish one draft fully... so here I am again "met my rooirok voor jou deur" trying to write while i have time...

about 3 months ago before I left my true homeland, South Africa, for the sunny beaches of Italy, i thought i would not feel the winter breezes this year... It sounded amazing, one whole year of summer, but as I landed back at Oliver Tambo International, the icy cold breeze blew me straight into reality...

I loved summer in Italy, but as I reached Florence, 3/4 into my journey, the Tuscan sun burnt 40 degrees into my skin and I longed for a swimming pool or the ocean, i realised how priveledged we Pretoria/South African folk are...

We have great summer weather and although the winter is cold... Its no where near a European Winter Most of us have a swimming pool or a friend with a swimming pool nearby... and the ultimate plus point of our beautiful "snorcity" is that we have an amazing Rock and Roll scene and bars...

and its cheaper than cheap...

Where we bitch and moan about booze prices rising, the folk up in the northern hemisphere pay 30 bucks or more for one can of Heineken...

So i am sitting in front of this piece of technology freezing my ass of on one of the weirdest days in my weather history, a day filled with "haalstorms" and thunder while we are only in the middle of august... And I am loving it....

Thanx to tw0 months in Italy (more stories to follow) to make me realize that this is my true home...

peace be da journey kids

1 comment:

  1. "...maar ons kom gou terug, nes 'n kind na sy ma. Afrika my baby, Afrika my bra."
